Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sunburn Serenade!

Here's some fun artwork from the production of "Sunburn Serenade," a 2:30 song styled animation about how not to get a sunburn. I should pay attention to my own work, apparently, as I'm nursing one now!

These characters were part of a collection created for the animation by myself and the Mighty Miah Alcorn who's talent is something absolutely out of this world. He and I have a great time teaming up on projects and the result is always super quality and really entertaining. The song is by Mike Sexton and Joel Momberg of All Children's Hosptial, who's incredible talent in songwrting has me working with them on another project that I shall soon be able to reveal!

Listed under: Tampa, animation, illustration, Kevin Riley, design, graphics, characters, character animation, logos, animated character.

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